Open Letter to Muriel Mining

Red de Alternativas a la Impunidad y a la Globalización del Mercado Muriel Mining Georges P. Juilland, General Manager Carrera 78 – 32a55 Belen, Antioquia, Medellin Colombia Telefax: +57 4 352 34 92 Dear Mr Juilland, As signatories of this Open Letter we wish to express their rejection of your company’s presence inside the indigenous […]

Red de Alternativas a la Impunidad y a la Globalización del Mercado

Muriel Mining
Georges P. Juilland, General Manager

Carrera 78 – 32a55
Belen, Antioquia, Medellin Colombia

Telefax: +57 4 352 34 92

Dear Mr Juilland,

As signatories of this Open Letter we wish to express their rejection of your company’s presence inside the indigenous and Afro-Colombian territories of Jiguamiandó. Your company’s operations are provoking an unprecedented militarization to allow for the illegal exploration of the Cara de Perro mountain range and surrounding areas by theMuriel Mining Corporation. This is completely unacceptable and against the law.

The consequences of mineral exploitation include the pollution of the rivers Jiguamiandó and Murindó, the destruction of the fauna and flora and the exclusion of the ancestral population from access to natural resources. Your company’s activities endanger the traditional sources of the life and the economy of the people and threaten to take away their rights over the land and to completely despoil the area.

Those fears have been confirmed very recently by the receipt of eviction notices served on the inhabitants of Coredocito, due to your company’s operations.

We are writing to you in support of the indigenous and Afro-Colombian peoples and other inhabitants in the valleys of Jiguamiandó in the Bajo Atrato, of the communities of Murindó, Chibugadó, Chageradó, Guagua, Isla, Coredó Grande, Urada, Bachiduvi, and the Afro-Colombian people in Coredocito. We urge your company and the military to respect the collective territories and to decide not to explore or exploit the Cerro Sagrado and other areas.

We look forward to your response and to receiving the documents included in the Environmnetal Impact Assessment which your company undertook during the planning phase.

With deep concern,

“Los indígenas, afrodescendientes y campesinos crean biodiversidad“

Contact: segretaria(at);
Centro “E. Balducci” Piazza Chiesa,1 – 33050 – Zugliano- Udine- Italia
Tel +39 0432 560699; fax +39 0432 562097


Centro di Accoglienza e Promozione Culturale “E. Balducci”, Italia
Salva la Selva, Alemania
KOLKO e.V., Alemania
Kolumbiengruppe Nürtingen e.V., Nürtingen, Alemania
Coordinadora Popular de Derechos Humanos de Panamá, COPODEHUPA, Panamá
Red Mexicana de Afectados por la Minería-REMA, México
Defensa y Conservación Ecológica de Intag, Ecuador
Grupo de Trabajo Suiza – Colombia (Arbeitsgruppe Schweiz – Kolumbien ask), Luzerna/Berna, Suiza
The Poor People’s Economic Human Rights Campaign, USA
Bethlehem Mission Immensee / Misión Belén de Immensee, Suiza
Comisión Ecuménica de Derechos Humanos, CEDHU, Ecuador
Alianza Mexicana por la Autodeterminacion de los Pueblos (AMAP), México
Union de Comunidades Indígenas de la Zona Norte del Istmo (UCIZONI), México
Kolektivo azul, San Luis Potosí, México
Grupo de Mujeres de San Cristóbal las Casas, ac, Chiapas, México
Comité Oscar Romero de Madrid, España
Asociacion de Solidaridad con Colombia „KATIO”, España
Comunidades Cristianas Populares, España
Campaña de Bosques Acción Ecológica, Ecuador
Unión de Organizaciones de la Sierra Juárez, Oaxaca, Sociedad Civil, México
Coordination Populaire Colombienne à Paris, Francia
Projet Accompagnement Solidarité Colombie, PASC , Francia
Proceso de Comunidades Negras en Colombia PCN, Colombia
Red Mexicana de Acción frente al Libre Comercio (RMALC), México
Associacio Papers i Drets per a Tothom Barcelona, España
El Tribunal Internacional de Opinion TIO (caso Sur de Bolivar), Francia
Equipo de los Pueblos en Pie, Francia
Teatro la Máscara Cali, Colombia
Rochester Franciscans, Colombia
Frente Amplio Opositor a la Minera San Xavier en San Luís Potosí, México
Comité Cerezo, México
Comisión Etica Contra la Tortura, Chile
Zalihui, A.C. Alterativas de Cambio y convivencia Cd. de Mexico, D.F
Ecologistas en Acción, España – Miembro de la Alianza Española contra la
Pobreza, de la Red Birregional Europa, América Latina y el Caribe
‚Enlazando Alternativas‘, de la Red europea Seattle-to-Brussels y de la
Red Our World is Not For Sale.
SYNECAT / SUD KIVU – Republica del Congo

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