Peace Agreement Point 2: Political Participation. Newsletter ECP.

NEWSLETTER Point 2 of the campaign: International Community on Alert for Peace in Colombia. 15 July, 2019Point 2 of the peace agreement: POLITICAL PARTICIPATION Content:What Does the 2016 Final Peace Agreement Say About:RoadmapGender and Territorial ApproachAdvances and ObstaclesLinksWhat is the ECP Campaign Asking For?

NEWSLETTER Point 2 of the campaign: International Community on Alert for Peace in Colombia. 15 July, 2019

Point 2 of the peace agreement: POLITICAL PARTICIPATION


  • What Does the 2016 Final Peace Agreement Say About:
  • Roadmap
  • Gender and Territorial Approach
  • Advances and Obstacles
  • Links
  • What is the ECP Campaign Asking For?

The peace agreement of 2016 with the FARC says on Democratic Opening for Building Peace:

This agreement looks to expand and strengthen democracy as a condition to achieve a solid foundation on which to build peace.

It seeks to expand democracy as the path to address conflicts peacefully and definitively break the tie between politics and weapons, as well as opening the door so that Colombian can integrate a culture of reconciliation, social harmony, tolerance, and non-stigmatization.

read the full newsletter as pdf:



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